Mechanical Presses

Stamtec’s Mechanical Presses (a.k.a. OBG, OBS, OBI, or C-frame) undergo finite element analysis prior to manufacturing to ensure proper design, superior strength and maximum resistance to deflection

Mechanical, Forging, & Servo Presses for Your Complete Press-line Solution

Mechanical, Forging, & Servo Presses for Your Complete Press-line Solution

GTX Series 2-Point Straight Side Press

The Stamtec GTX two-point straight side press (a.k.a. double crank press) is designed for stamping relatively long, narrow parts at high single-stroking rates or in continuous mode, using either blanks or coil stock; or running progressive dies that need the longer bed area to accommodate long dies with multiple stations. The GTX double crank press offers an extra-wide, centered, six-point, full-length box gib type. The GTX provides a large die area at a very economical price, while still providing the rigidity and low deflection characteristics of a traditional straight side press.

TONNAGE RANGE: 176 - 550
DELIVERY TIME: some models in stock or with quick delivery

Every Stamtec mechanical stamping press can be customized to meet a wider range of SPM, stroke, rating point (BDC), bed and other specifications and dimensions.

Review the specs, advantages and features below, and then contact us for the double crank press your application requires.


GTX 160

CapacityUS Tons176176
Metric Tons160160
Rated tonnage pointin.0.240.16
Stroke lengthin.7.085.12
SpeedSPM30 ~ 5540 ~ 85
Die heightin.17.7115.75
Maximum upper die weightlbs.2645.552645.55
Slide adjustmentin.3.943.94
Slide area (L-R X F-B)in.63.00 x 25.5963.00 x 25.59
mm1600 x 6501600 x 650
Slide plate thicknessin.2.752.75
Bolster area (L-R X F-B)in.71.00 x 29.9271.00 x 29.92
mm1800 x 7601800 x 760
Bolster thicknessin.5.915.91
Floor to top of bolsterin.39.3739.37
Side frame opening (window)
(F-B x H)
in.27.56 x 17.7227.56 x 17.72
mm700 x 450700 x 450
Main motorHp x p20 x 420 x 4
Kw x p15 x 415 x 4
Slide adjusting motorHp x p1 x 41 x 4
Kw x p0.75 x 40.75 x 4
Overall height (approx)in.163.39159.45
Weight (approx)lbs.59998.8159998.81
Parallelism: Slide to bolster - .001" per foot or less
Deflection: .0015" per foot or less R to L & F to B with 2/3 of the bed symmetrically loaded.
CapacityUS Tons8 x 28 x 2
Metric Tons8 x 28 x 2
Pad areain.19.69 x 11.81 x 2pcs19.69 x 11.81 x 2pcs
mm500 x 300 x 2pcs500 x 300 x 2pcs
Stroke lengthin.3.153.15