White papers, presentations & more to help you get the most from your Stamtec press
White papers, presentations & more to help you get the most from your Stamtec press
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White Papers | Webinars | Slide Shows
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All whitepapers are in PDF format.
A Guide to Link Motion Mechanical Presses
This whitepaper provides valuable information about differences and benefits of link motion drive technology.
For example, Stamtec link motion drives decrease slide velocity by up to 40% during the working portion of the stroke. Compared with traditional crankshaft or eccentric gear drive presses, link motion drives can increase productivity 20% to 40%.
Click here to download A Guide to Link Motion Mechanical Presses.
Mechanical vs. Hydraulic vs. Servo Presses
This white paper is intended to serve as an introduction to the differences between Mechanical, Hydraulic and Servo Presses, and the many variables that can affect your decision of which press is right for you.
Click here to download Mechanical vs. Hydraulic vs. Servo Presses.
Quick Die Change - The Process
This white paper (as seen in MetalForming Magazine) is intended to serve as an overview of Quick Die Change hardware and systems and demonstrates how to minimize downtime from the last good hit on one die to the first good hit on the next die.
Servo vs. Link-Motion Presses
On Tuesday, October 28, 2014, in cooperation with MetalForming Magazine, we held a live webinar, comparing Hydraulic, Mechanical and Mechanical Servo Presses.
If you missed it, click here to watch the webinar.
Servo vs. Link-Motion Presses 2
On Tuesday, September 8, 2015, in cooperation with MetalForming Magazine, we held live webinar #2, comparing Hydraulic, Mechanical and Mechanical Servo Presses.
If you missed it, click here to watch the webinar.